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Maria Stamenković Herranz, This Mortal House Building 1

Regular price £35.00GBP

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 The book This Mortal House Building 1 by Maria Stamenković Herranz seeks to translate the artist's performance at the Sakıp Sabancı Museum, Istanbul, into an editorial form.

For 24 days, the artist built a brick labyrinth blindfolded in the museum space, then destroyed it on the last day.

Using the numerous photographs documenting the performance, the book offers a nonlinear reading, itself subject to constructions and deconstructions.

Without binding, like a journal, the reader is invited to follow two numberings, one in Arabic numerals and the other in Roman numerals. The first reading provides a chronological unfolding of the event, while the second gives access to a new portion of texts and images. These different paths then provide access to a labyrinth that is both visual and mental.

By folding, unfolding, and assembling the sheets in different ways, we are led to modify our experience of the book and uniquely apprehend the performance.